Class VertexBufferObject

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VertexBufferObject extends Object implements Lifecycle
Represents a Vertex Buffer Object (VBO).
  • Constructor Details

    • VertexBufferObject

      public VertexBufferObject()
      Creates a Vertex Buffer Object (VBO).
  • Method Details

    • bind

      public void bind(int target)
      Binds this VBO with specified target. The target in the tutorial should be GL_ARRAY_BUFFER most of the time.
      target - Target to bind
    • uploadData

      public void uploadData(int target, FloatBuffer data, int usage)
      Upload vertex data to this VBO with specified target, data and usage. The target in the tutorial should be GL_ARRAY_BUFFER and usage should be GL_STATIC_DRAW most of the time.
      target - Target to upload
      data - Buffer with the data to upload
      usage - Usage of the data
    • uploadData

      public void uploadData(int target, long size, int usage)
      Upload null data to this VBO with specified target, size and usage. The target in the tutorial should be GL_ARRAY_BUFFER and usage should be GL_STATIC_DRAW most of the time.
      target - Target to upload
      size - Size in bytes of the VBO data store
      usage - Usage of the data
    • uploadSubData

      public void uploadSubData(int target, long offset, FloatBuffer data)
      Upload sub data to this VBO with specified target, offset and data. The target in the tutorial should be GL_ARRAY_BUFFER most of the time.
      target - Target to upload
      offset - Offset where the data should go in bytes
      data - Buffer with the data to upload
    • uploadData

      public void uploadData(int target, IntBuffer data, int usage)
      Upload element data to this EBO with specified target, data and usage. The target in the tutorial should be GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER and usage should be GL_STATIC_DRAW most of the time.
      target - Target to upload
      data - Buffer with the data to upload
      usage - Usage of the data
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Deletes this VBO.
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface Lifecycle
    • getId

      public int getId()
      Getter for the Vertex Buffer Object ID.
      Handle of the VBO